The aim of the scientific board is to clarify the need of the various interested parties and to feed these into the project.
The development of new standard sources based on single-photon emitters will create impact for the realisation of optical radiant flux scales in the low-photon-flux region and it will be the basis for the definition of the optical radiant flux in terms of photon rate. As this field develops, it is foreseen that quantum standards, based on counting photons, will also enter the metrological area of radiometry and photometry. The results of this joint research project will therefore impact on metrology committees like the or the technical committees of the regional metrology organisations (EURAMET, COOMET).
The technological developments within this project will also trigger and speed-up innovation in the field of quantum technologies and impact the development of measurement infrastructure for low-flux measurements.
The scientific board has 8 members from different organisations and countries. The board includes the scientific and user community, Consultative Committee for Photometry and Radiometry (CCPR), EURAMET, NIST and ETSI.